Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của thành phố Fairfax
Post Date:02/07/2017 7:29 PM
The news is full of accusations of voter fraud, election fraud, people with multiple registrations, hacking of voting equipment and a purportedly a high number of dead people who are voting illegally in our elections.
Be assured that the voter registration data in Virginia is subject to multiple matching systems that provide data validation and assure data integrity. At the state level the data in the registration system (VERIS) is matched with the Postal Service, the DMV Non-citizen Extract, the Virginia Department of Health Vital Statistics Death File, the State Police VSP Felony Convictions data, the Virginia Circuit Court, the Office of the Governor, the National Secretaries of State Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck, the US District Courts and the Electronic Registration & Information Center Inc. crosscheck (ERIC). These checks are run monthly, quarterly and annually depending on the type of data and the source. These checks include social security checks, non-citizen checks, out-of-state checks, death records and criminal records. Virginia is well known to have a robust list maintenance system that is compliant with state and federal laws and also cleaned of outdated, duplicate and erroneous data.
Additionally, the voting equipment used across Virginia does NOT have wireless capability. The machines cannot talk to each other, to the internet, to the cloud or to another device. Before Election Day, all machines are tested using a sample script of Election Day ballots. The results are compared to the expected results, the machines are sealed and packed in a secured, limited-access area.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the safety of your vote here in the City of Fairfax, please contact the Director of Elections at