Sở Y Tế Quận Fairfax ở tiểu bang Virginia loan tin xác nhận người thứ hai bị nhiễm COVID-19 sống tại The Kensington-Senior Living Center trong thành phố Falls Church
Official news release from the City of Falls Church, Office of Communications.
Susan Finarelli & Clare Casey
571-402-9102 cell
Second Case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Confirmed in the City of Falls Church
Sunday, March 22, 2020 — The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) notified the City of Falls Church that a second resident of The Kensington, a senior living community, has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The first diagnosis at The Kensington was announced on Wednesday. (See City’s news release and FCHD news release.)
FCHD, The Kensington, and the City of Falls Church are fully collaborating on the investigation and taking immediate action to prevent further spread. The City is providing full support where appropriate and is staying in close contact with FCHD and The Kensington.
The City is a member of the Fairfax Health District. The City and FCHD are working together to keep the community informed and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Individuals are a critical part of reducing the spread of COVID-19. We need your help and encourage you to take personal responsibility to:
Wash your hands frequently
Stay home when you are sick
Avoid close contact with those are sick
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow and wash your hands afterwards
Avoid crowded areas and non‐essential travel if you are over age 65 or have a chronic medical condition
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COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Email ffxcovid@fairfaxcounty.gov
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Fairfax County Health Department Announces Positive Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Senior Living Center
March 19, 2020
Update: March 22, 2020
Second Case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
A second resident of The Kensington, a senior living community, has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Fairfax County Health Department, The Kensington, and the City of Falls Church are fully collaborating on the investigation and taking immediate action to prevent further spread.
Individuals are a critical part of reducing the spread of COVID-19. We need your help and encourage you to take personal responsibility to:
Wash your hands frequently
Stay home when you are sick
Avoid close contact with those are sick
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow and wash your hands afterwards
Avoid crowded areas and non‐essential travel if you are over age 65 or have a chronic medical condition
Original Release, March 19, 2020:
Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) is reporting a positive COVID-19 test result for a resident of The Kensington, an assisted living and memory care facility in City of Falls Church, Va.
The individual has been in isolation since he presented with symptoms of respiratory illness on March 14. Specimens were collected on March 16 and sent to the Virginia state laboratory. Health officials have been providing infection control guidance to the facility since testing was initiated, and visitor restrictions had already been in place.
“When COVID-19 occurs in a setting where there are many older people with underlying health conditions, we are concerned” said Health Director Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu. “We’ll be working very closely with the facility over the coming days to protect other residents and staff and prevent further spread.”
Based on this positive result, FCHD has deployed an infection control team to the facility to initiate an investigation, including identifying the potential source of exposure. Working in partnership with the facility management, the team will:
Evaluate all staff and provide them with personal protective equipment
Interview residents and staff members to assess illness and exposures
Collect specimens on any symptomatic residents or staff
Provide guidance on infection control activities, including isolation and quarantine and environmental cleaning of the facility
“Our team has been working diligently since November 1 to ensure our infection control processes are strong and in place,” said Amy Feather, Executive Director, The Kensington Falls Church. “Residents have been monitored daily for fever and respiratory symptoms since news of the spread of COVID-19 became public. In addition, team members have been monitored for symptoms of flu and COVID-19 at the start of their shifts. Anyone with symptoms has been sent home, asked to contact their physician and to monitor their symptoms.
“Staff has been doing sanitizing within the community, particularly within high traffic areas. Deliveries have been restricted to outside entrances and retrieved by staff to those in the community. As per guidance from the CDC for health care communities, the community has limited visitors and cancelled all events and outings. The Fairfax County Department of Health has been an invaluable partner in helping us mobilize the resources we need to test and monitor the health of our residents and staff. We are extremely grateful to them for their help.”
This is the first positive case of COVID-19 reported in the City of Falls Church. FCHD will be updating its total case number for COVID-19 in the Fairfax Health District later today.
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can cause mild to more severe respiratory illness. Symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms appear within 14 days of being exposed to an infectious person. COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The Health Department recommends that the public do the following to protect themselves and others from respiratory illnesses:
Individuals at increased risk for severe illness, including pregnant women, older adults and persons of any age with underlying health conditions should avoid non-essential travel and public gatherings.
Avoid travel to all areas where there are outbreaks of COVID-19.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer only if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
If you are mildly sick with a fever, stay home except to get medical care.
Those with high risk factors and who have fever or new or worsening cough, should consider contacting their providers earlier when they are sick. Call ahead to let them know of your symptoms.
Always check with trusted sources for the latest accurate information about COVID-19.
This is a rapidly changing situation, and information is being shared as it becomes available.
Call our Health Department Call Center at 703-267-3511 with Coronavirus questions; open 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
Text FFXCOVID to 888777 to receive updates from Fairfax County about COVID-19.
Email questions or concerns to ffxcovid@fairfaxcounty.gov. This email account will be staffed Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 8 p.m.
Visit a web portal for coronavirus that serves as a one-stop online resource for information.
Learn more about COVID-19 on the Health Department Coronavirus (COVID-19) Webpage or FAQ page.
Follow the Fairfax County Government Facebook Page and Health Department Facebook Page.
Follow @fairfaxcounty and @fairfaxhealth on Twitter.