Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của thành phố Fairfax
Post Date:02/21/2017 9:00 AM
espect Red Enforcement – New Camera Locations
The City of Fairfax Police Department is advising motorists that four additional photo red light enforcement cameras will be added to the Respect Red Program this year. City Council approved the new cameras in October 2016. The new locations are:
Eastbound Main Street @ Woodland Drive
Southbound Lee Highway @ Jermantown Road
Eastbound Fairfax Boulevard @ Jermantown Road
Westbound Fairfax Boulevard @ Jermantown Road
The Main Street @ Woodland Drive camera is expected to be installed in March 2017. The other locations will be installed later this spring. A 30-day grace period will be given at each new location with enforcement to begin after that. Exact dates are to be determined and another public announcement will be made prior to the warning period. Traffic signs indicating that photo red light has been adopted as a safety measure will be placed next to the affected intersections.
Information pertaining to the photo red light program can be found on the city website, in the Cityscene, and on Cityscreen-12.
Media Contact: Sergeant Sutherland, Public Information Office
(703) 273-2889 or