Thông tin 11 Địa Điểm Bỏ Phiếu Sớm với một lá phiếu khiếm diện vào ngày 8 tháng 6 năm 2019 trong Bầu cử sơ bộ tại Quận Fairfax của tiểu bang Virginia
Theo tin Quận Fairfax
In-Person Absentee Voting at 11 Locations on June 8 Only
May 30, 2019
On Saturday, June 8, only, Fairfax County will offer 11 locations to absentee vote in person for the Democratic Primary election on June 11.
The last day to absentee vote in person is June 8, and the following locations will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Franconia Governmental Center
Herndon Fortnightly Library
Lorton Library
Mason Governmental Center
McLean Governmental Center
Mount Vernon Governmental Center
North County Governmental Center
Providence Community Center
Sully Governmental Center
West Springfield Governmental Center
Fairfax County Government Center
Because Celebrate Fairfax will be held at the Fairfax County Government Center on June 8, parking will be extremely limited, and parking access will be through the “Green Gate.” Due to the expected heavy traffic, crowds and limited parking, voters should consider using the other locations instead.
Until June 8, the Fairfax County Government Center is the only location to absentee vote.
Voters must go their regular polling place on election day, June 11. All 243 polling places in the county will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Because some poll locations have changed since the November 2018 general election, voters should confirm their polling place online through the Virginia Department of Elections.
The June election is only a primary for Democratic Party candidates because the county’s Republican Party committee chose to select its candidates by other means. While only Democratic candidates will be on the ballot, any registered voter can vote on June 11. Virginia holds open primaries, and voters don’t register by party.
The following offices are on the ballot:
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman
Board of Supervisors, Braddock District
Board of Supervisors, Hunter Mill District
Board of Supervisors, Lee District
Board of Supervisors, Providence District
Fairfax Commonwealth’s Attorney
Virginia Senate: 31st, 33rd and 35th Districts
Virginia House of Delegates: 38th and 49th Districts
For more information, contact the Fairfax County Office of Elections at 703-222-0776, TTY 711.
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