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Thay đổi giao thông bắt đầu vào tháng 9 gần ga tàu điện Vienna Metrorail: Đường dốc exit từ Saintsbury Drive đến I-66 về hướng đông để đóng vĩnh viễn vào khoảng ngày 5 tháng 9 và cây cầu Vaden bắc qua I-66 tạm thời đóng cửa vào mùa thu 2019
Michelle Holland 703-586-0487
Aug. 27, 2019
Traffic Changes Begin In September Near Vienna Metrorail Station
Ramp from Saintsbury Drive to eastbound I-66 to permanently close on or about Sept. 5; Vaden Drive bridge over I-66 to temporarily close this fall
FAIRFAX – New traffic changes will take effect around the Vienna/Fairfax-GMU Metrorail Station in the coming weeks as part of the I-66 Express Lanes Outside the Beltway Project, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). On or about Sept. 5, the ramp from Saintsbury Drive to eastbound I-66 near the Vienna Metrorail Station will close permanently as part of the future I-66 Outside the Beltway Express Lanes configuration, followed by a temporary closure of the Vaden Drive bridge over I-66 that is needed to accommodate construction. Important details include:
Saintsbury Drive Ramp Closure:
As early as Sept. 5, crews will close the ramp from Saintsbury Drive to eastbound I-66 near the Vienna Metrorail Station.
Drivers heading to eastbound I-66 from Saintsbury Drive will be directed to use the Nutley Street Interchange.
Vaden Drive Bridge Closure:
In fall 2019, Vaden Drive over I-66 will close temporarily for approximately 10 months.
Drivers will be detoured to Nutley Street.
Existing access to the Vienna Metrorail Station parking garages to the north and south of I-66 will remain open to traffic, as will the ramp from westbound I-66 to Country Creek Road.
To facilitate commuter bus service from the Vienna Metrorail Station during this closure, the Saintsbury Drive ramp to I-66 East will reopen for buses only during weekday peak periods.
Improvements will also be made to the intersection of Saintsbury Drive and Nutley Street to help accommodate anticipated additional traffic at that intersection during the temporary closure of Vaden Drive.
The temporary closure of the Vaden Drive bridge will allow construction crews to demolish the existing bridge and construct the new bridge within a shorter time period. Vaden Drive bridge will be rebuilt to accommodate the new footprint of I-66 with added bus and car-only express lanes access ramps to and from the west.
Additional details on the permanent closure of the Saintsbury Drive ramp and the temporary closure of Vaden Drive over I-66 will be available at a Transform 66 Construction Update Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Providence Community Center. Information will also be available on the project website at:
When complete, the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project will feature three general purpose and two Express Lanes in each direction from I-495/Capital Beltway to Route 29 in Gainesville. The I-66 Outside the Beltway Express Lanes are expected to open in December 2022.
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