Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của Các Trường Công Lập Quận FCPS
Dear FCPS Families,
A special election is being held in Fairfax County on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 to fill a vacancy in the office of County At-large member of the School Board. More than 160 schools and FCPS facilities will be used as polling places in Fairfax County. Schools are closed on general election days, including the upcoming general election scheduled for Nov. 7, 2017, because of the anticipated heavier voter turnout. Schools remained open for the June 13, 2017 primary and will be open for the Aug. 29 special school board election.
Please make sure to allow extra time for your child to arrive at school as you can expect increased traffic around polling locations on that day. Schools are also required to set aside parking spaces for voters which will mean fewer spaces available for visitors and staff. All polling locations will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Regarding security, all middle schools, secondary schools and high schools have school resource officers on site and police and FCPS Safety & Security personnel are closely monitoring election day activities in the elementary schools. Access to other areas of the school buildings beyond the polling locations is restricted and schools are also encouraged to keep classroom doors locked during the day. The polling sites are staffed and monitored by the Fairfax County Office of Elections. The Office of Elections is encouraging voters whose voting precinct is located in a school, to vote before or after school hours, if possible, and to postpone voting during the times when school buses are dropping off or picking up students. Additional information about the election is available at this link:
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We encourage all eligible voters to learn more about the school board candidates and exercise your right to vote on Aug. 29.
Fairfax County Public Schools