Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của Fairfax County Park Authority
WHAT: First Hike Fairfax
WHEN: Monday, January 1, 2018
Community Events
On New Year’s Day, the Fairfax County Park Authority is joining with America’s State Parks and Virginia State Parks for First Day Hike Programs that will get you outside on the trails. Last year, thousands of people rang in the New Year with hikes throughout the country.
Grab a friend or family members and hike together. Share it on social media with #FirstHikeFairfax. And don’t forget to take your picture and enter to win great prizes that will help you start getting active after the hike.
Start the year off right by getting a jump start burning off those extra holiday calories. Take a hike ? literally!
On New Year’s Day, the Fairfax County Park Authority is joining with America’s State Parks and Virginia State Parks First Day Hike Programs to get you outside and on the trail. Last year more than 55,000 people rang in the New Year throughout the country on hikes. First Hike Fairfax kicks off the Park Authority’s Healthy Strides: 12 Steps for a Healthier Year for 2018, a year of healthy living ideas for you and your family.
It’s easy. It’s fun. We’ve picked 5 starter hikes at some really great parks in Fairfax County. And when we say hikes, we mean walking, jogging, biking, scenery strolling… It’s all good. Just click on the park link below to get information about each self-guided hike.
Grab a friend or family members and hike together. Share it on social media #FirstHikeFairfax. And don’t forget to take your picture and enter to win great prizes that will help you start getting active after the hike.
Do a hike on January 1, 2018 on any of the 5 recommended Fairfax County Park Authority trails.
Email us your photos. Submit up to two (2) pictures using the format outlined below to Note: The size limit per email is 10MB – please submit a separate email with one picture attached to each email.
Include in the email subject line:
picturetaker’s full name
name of park where the picture was taken.
the number of your picture (either 1 or 2)
(Example: John Smith – Burke Lake Park1)
Include in the body of the email:
the picturetaker’s mailing address.
the picturetaker’s telephone number.
full names of other persons appearing in the photos.
(Example: John Smith, 123 Park Drive, Fairfax, VA 22035. Sue Smith, Katrina Smith.
All participants appearing and named in a contest photo and the picturetaker will receive one free RECenter Guest Pass as encouragement to keep active all year long.
All photos will be entered into our First Hike Fairfax photo contest on Facebook for a grand prize!
Photos may include landscape, wildlife, or persons.
By submitting a photo by email, you acknowledge that you have permission from all people in the photograph and from yourself for the Fairfax County Park Authority to use the photo as stated in the First Hike Fairfax Photo Release listed below.
Photographs must not exceed 10 MB per photo. Photos must be JPG, TIFF, or .PNG files only.
Minor digital enhancement for cropping, red-eye removal, filters and corrective functions are permitted, but images to be judged are not to be altered in any significant manner or they will be disqualified. Contestants are not permitted to place borders, frames or backgrounds around their images nor place watermarks, dates, signatures or copyright images onto photos.
Please submit a separate email with one picture attached to each email.
Photographs must have been taken at one of the five First Hike Fairfax locations on January 1, 2018.
Photos must be submitted digitally via email to no later than Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 8pm EST.
No more than 2 photos per person will be accepted.
Photos posted to social media with hashtag #FirstHikeFairfax are encouraged, but will not be accepted as contest entry.
Photos will be reviewed by Park Authority staff and the Top 10 will be posted to the Park Authority Facebook page on January 5.
All submitted pictures from First Hike Fairfax will appear online in the Park Authority Flickr album! Select pictures will be posted to Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms.
Photo Release: By submitting photographs, contestants give the Fairfax County Park Authority non-exclusive rights including but not limited to advertising, websites, social media, promotions, communications, publications, media relations and commercial resale use. Photo credit and compensation will not be granted except as stated above. Contestants retain their own usage rights.
One free pass per person who appears in a First Hike Fairfax photo or is the picturetaker and whose full name is submitted in the email along with the photo. Passes will be distributed to the picturetaker by mail. The picturetaker must submit a valid mailing address and telephone number in the email submission.
Grand Prize (Photo Contest Winner)
The Grand Prize will receive a free RECenter 4-month pass – a $300 value.
The Grand Prize winning photo will be determined as follows:
Park Authority staff vote for the top 10 photos overall, two from each hike.
The Top 10 photos will be posted to the Park Authority Facebook page on January 5. The winner will be determined by the number of public “likes” by Monday January 8 at 3 p.m.
The Grand Prize winner will be announced via the Park Authority Facebook page by January 9.
Accotink CCT from Lake Accotink Dam North
Burke Lake Park – Lake Loop Trail
Cub Run Stream Valley Trail
Huntley Meadows – Boardwalk Trails
Riverbend Park – Hollows Trail