Theo tin City of Falls Church
Four Affordable Dwelling Units Available
The Department of Housing and Human Services is pleased to announce that four separate Affordable Dwelling Units (ADU) are available for rent at Pearson Square (410 S. Maple Avenue, Falls Church). The first unit is a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment at $1,158 per month plus utilities (download floor plan and a listing of fees). The second unit is a one bedroom, one bath apartment with den at $1,240 per month plus utilities (download floor plan and a listing of fees). The remaining two units available are two bedroom, two bath with den apartments at $1,405 a month. Download a floor plan and a listing of fees for Unit 212 and Unit 419.
An ADU lottery will be held Tuesday, July 24, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Heller Hall (Door 13) at the Saint James Catholic Church, 905 Park Ave, Falls Church, VA, 22046.
To qualify, applicants must fulfill all of the following:
All applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents.
Total household liquid assets cannot exceed $40,000.
Housing Choice Voucher accepted.
Total household income must be between 50% – 80% of HUD Area Median Income (AMI):