Theo tin City of Falls Church
May 29, 2018
The City of Falls Church welcomes applications for eligible non-profit organizations that support the arts, culture, theater, and history based within the City of Falls Church. The application deadline is July 19, 2018 and funds must be utilized before May 15, 2019.
Applications may be submitted for project grants or operations support grants. Applicants may request up to $5,000 in project grants with a total of up to $20,000 available provided by the City, and up to an additional $4,500 matching funds provided by the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Applicants may request up to $15,000 in operations grants with a total of $25,000 available. The application and details on eligibility can be found at
Fiscal Year 2018 grants supported a public sculpture project by Falls Church Arts; a free community holiday concert by Washington Sinfonietta; The Little City CATCH Foundation’s annual New Year’s Eve celebration, Watch Night; the creation an original musical at Creative Cauldron; and the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation’s annual Blues Festival.
After an initial review by the Recreation and Parks Department to ensure eligibility, the application will be reviewed by the Arts and Humanities Grant Review Committee. The committee will submit a recommendation to the Recreation and Parks Department which will present the recommendation to the City Council for final approval in a public session of council.
After final review and approval by City Council, copies of all applications will be archived by The Little City C.A.T.C.H Foundation.
For more information, please visit
Additional Info…
Grant Programs for Arts & Humanities
This grant program supports activities, programs, events and strategies that encourage arts, history, and cultural education and strengthen the vitality of these efforts in the City of Falls Church and serve as a catalyst in the greater community.
Consistent with the purpose of the Arts and Humanities Grants program, grant funds will be awarded to support projects and organizations that achieve one or more of the following goals:
Stimulating excellence in the City of Falls Church in the area of the arts, theatre, culture and/or history
Encouraging cultural and ethnic diversity in the City of Falls Church
Enhancing the quality of life in the City of Falls Church through:
Stimulating economic development
Supporting educational advancement in the arts, theater, culture and/or history
Appealing to the widest audience
Making the culture, arts, theater and history accessible to all
Eligible Organizations
Organizations must meet these five requirements:
Only tax-exempt organizations as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) are eligible, or organizations that have a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) as its fiscal agent for a project grant.
The organization’s core mission must be towards the research, production, presentation, exhibition, education or performance of arts, culture, theater or history.
The organization must reside in the City of Falls Church with a City of Falls Church address on record.
At least 75% of the organization’s programming or activities must take place in the City of Falls Church.
Any previous Arts and Humanities grants awarded to the organization must be closed out and all reports and funds from previous grants be accounted for before the next grant can be awarded.
Grant Cycle
May 2018 – Project Grant Application Process Opens (May 1)
July 2018 – Project Grant Application Closes (Deadline July 19)
August 2018 – Grant Review Committee Review Applications
September 2018 – Grant Recommendations are presented to City Council
September 2018 – Grant Awardees are notified and complete a grant agreement form
October 2018 through May 2019 – Grant Recipients may submit reporting for grant reimbursement
May 2019 – Deadline for grant reimbursement* (May 15, 2019)
*All receipts must be turned in by the grant reimbursement deadline
Documents for Fiscal Year 2019 Project Grants
Project Grant Application Procedure
Project Grant Guidelines
Project Grant Application
Project Grant Reimbursement Form
Documents for Fiscal Year 2019 Operation Grants
Operation Grant Application Procedure
Operations Grant Guidelines
Operations Grant Application
Operations Grant Reimbursement Form
Reimbursement Forms for Fiscal Year 2018 Awarded Grants
Project Grant Reimbursement Form
Operations Grant Reimbursement Form