Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của quận Fairfax
WHAT: Park Authority and NOVA Parks Seek Public Input on Remote-Controlled Devices, Powered Models or Toys
WHEN: Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Oaks Room at Twin Lakes Golf Course, 6201 Union Mills Road in Clifton, VA.
July 27, 2018
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) and the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NOVA Parks) will hold a joint public hearing on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 7 p.m. in the Oaks Room at Twin Lakes Golf Course, 6201 Union Mills Road in Clifton, VA. The hearing will focus on the proposed adoption of an amendment to Park Regulation Section 1.17, Remote-Control Devices and Powered Models or Toys.
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to align Park Regulation 1.17, Remote-Control Devices and Powered Models or Toys, with current Virginia state law. The full text of the proposed amendment is on file and available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours of the Fairfax County Park Authority, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927, Fairfax, Virginia, and the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, Public Information Office, 5400 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, Virginia.
For the convenience of the public, the full text of the proposed amendment to Park Regulation Section 1.17 is available for review online at Model Aircrafts and Drones.
See corresponding announcement from NOVA Parks.
All persons wishing to speak on this subject may call Judy Pedersen, FCPA Public Information Officer, at 703-324-8662 or email, to be placed on the Speakers’ List. Persons may also appear at the scheduled time of the public hearing and be heard.
Written comments will also be accepted following the public hearing. To be included in the official public record, all comments must be received by the close of business on October 8, 2018. Written comments should be directed to: Public Information Office, FCPA, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927, Fairfax, Virginia 22035 or Public Information Office, NOVA Parks, 5400 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039. Email comments should be sent to or
For more information, call 703-324-8662 or email (Fairfax County Park Authority) or 703-359-4603 (Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority).