Theo tin City of Falls Church
Hurricane Prep & Announcements
Announcements about this weekend will be made via a City news release, website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Should a large-scale emergency occur, messages will be sent via Falls Church Alerts.
Fall Festival and Cherry Hill Park Ceremony on Saturday, September 15
A determination about the Fall Festival and Cherry Hill Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be made by the afternoon of Wednesday, September 12.
While the Fall Festival is usually held rain or shine, the Category 4 hurricane warrants special circumstances for the large-scale events. If the events are cancelled, staff will evaluate a possible date change to October.
DMV2Go on Friday, September 14
Decision will be made closer to the event.
Farmers Market, Library Events, and Youth Sports
A decision about these events will likely be made closer to the weekend.
Sandbag Distribution, Use, and Return. The City of Falls Church Department of Public Works is providing sandbags for homes at risk for flooding. If the resident received sandbags from the City this year, they are not eligible for this storm. You must be a resident of the City of Falls Church.
A maximum of 20 bags per household are available first-come, first-served at the Property Yard A (between 215 and 217 Gordon Road, next to the Recycling Center) only on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (September 12 through 14) from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
City staff will help with loading bags into a vehicle, but they will not be responsible for vehicle damage. Sandbags must be returned to the distribution site after the storm. See here for tips on how to use and stack sandbags.
Who to Call. Prepare for power outages. Report to Dominion Virginia Energy at 866-366-4357 or Report even if your neighbors have already done so; the more accounts affected, the quicker the response time could be from Dominion.
If a tree falls on a house, business, or in a roadway, or if your house floods, please call Police Non-Emergency at 703-248-5053 (TTY 711).
Resources Preparation Tips (FEMA)
Virginia Department of Emergency Management Preparation Tips
Fairfax Water Preparation Tips
City of Falls Church Licensed Tree Contractor List
Power Outages: Dominion Virginia Energy, 866-366-4357 or
Trees on Buildings or in Roadway; House Flooding: City of Falls Church Police Non-Emergency, 703-248-5053
Emergency Alert Text Messages, Emails, and Phone Calls (for large-scale, citywide emergencies):
Seven Ways to Prepare for a Hurricane
Keep Gutters Clear of Debris. If you set out trash bins and yard waste, please put them on the curb. Please also clean up any debris from the curb gutter. Crews are working now to clear the storm drains, and this action from residents and businesses can help tremendously.
If you can, hold yard waste until next week’s collection. This helps any accidental spills into the storm drains.
Secure or Store Outdoor Items. Residents should secure or store toys, lawn equipment, tables, chairs, umbrellas, and other items that could be a danger in high winds.
Businesses should secure or store signage, tables, chairs, and especially umbrellas that could become dangerous projectiles in hurricane-force winds.
Check on Your Neighbors. Make time now for an elderly or infirm neighbor. Let them know you’ll check on them throughout the storm. If they don’t use the Internet for news, let them know about critical messages from the City government and local news.
Sandbags Available for Homes at Risk. The Department of Public Works is providing sandbags for homes at risk for flooding. If the resident received sandbags from the City this year, they are not eligible for this storm.
A maximum of 20 bags per household are are available first-come, first-served at the Property Yard A (next to the Recycling Center on Gordon Rd.) only on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (September 12 through 14) from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
City staff will help with loading bags into a vehicle, but they will not be responsible for vehicle damage.
Know Who to Call. Prepare for power outages. Report to Dominion Virginia Energy at 866-366-4357 or Report even if your neighbors have already done so; the more accounts affected, the quicker the response time could be from Dominion.
If a tree falls on a house, business, or in a roadway, or if your house floods, please call Police Non-Emergency at 703-248-5053 (TTY 711).
Check Your Emergency Kit. FEMA recommends stocking water (one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation), food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food), a battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, flashlight with extra batteries, first aid kit and prescription medications, and more.
Stay Tuned for the Latest News. Check the City’s website (, Facebook, and Twitter accounts for important updates. Subscribe to Falls Church Alerts for critical emergency notices. Watch local news for forecasts on how the storm will affect our area.
A decision about the Fall Festival and Cherry Hill Park Ceremony will be made by the afternoon of Wednesday, September 12. A decision about the weekly Farmers Market, Library events, and youth athletics will be made closer to the weekend.
Protect Your Home from Sewer Backups
With many hours of heavy rain, sewer line may fill up with water and some sewage. Because of this, the sewer system may approach its carrying capacity and may overflow in some areas. It may also back up into homes through floor or plumbing drains. There are several steps you can take to help prevent sewage backup into your home.
Ensure that your back flow preventer, if you have one, is in working order and closed as necessary.
Stuff a rag, softball or other material into floor drains to stop the flow into your basement.
Cover the drain with a floor mat and weigh it down.
Place a heavy object on the closed cover of basement toilets to prevent sewage from backing up.
Restrict the use of plumbing as much as possible until rains subside. This includes dish and clothes washers, showers and toilets.
Use reasonable precautions to protect yourself from exposure to what may be contaminated water by wearing waterproof boots and gloves.
After the rain stops, if sewage has come through a floor or plumbing drain, open the drain to allow as much water to drain out as possible; use buckets, sump pump or other means to remove as much of the contaminated water as possible.
Proper Use of Sandbags
The use of sandbags is a simple, but effective way to prevent or reduce floodwater damage. Sandbags can act as a barrier to divert moving water around instead of through buildings. Sandbag construction does not, however, guarantee a watertight seal.
Remove any debris from the area where bags are to be placed.
If tied bags are used, flatten them and flare the tied end. If untied bags are used, fold the open end to form a triangle.
To form a sandbag wall, place bags tightly against one another to form the first layer of defense.
Place succeeding bags on the folded or flared portion of the previous bag and stamp into place to eliminate gaps and to form a tight seal.
Stagger the second and subsequent layers of bags, similar to the pattern of bricks on a wall.
Never use bags to build a fortress around your property because this approach can trap water between sandbag walls and structures, causing further damage.