Theo tin City of Falls Church
September 25, 2018
General Election Absentee Voting Underway
Absentee Voting for the November 6 General Election is underway in Virginia. If you’re unable to go to the polls on Election Day, there are 20 reasons you may be able to vote absentee instead. Here are some of the most common reasons Virginia voters can cast an absentee ballot:
Reason Supporting Information Required Reason Code
You are a student (or spouse of student) attending college or university outside of locality of residence in Virginia. Name of college or university 1A or 1B
Your place of employment is outside the City of Falls Church, or you will be traveling for work on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6). Name of employer or business 1C
Personal business or vacation outside the City of Falls Church on Election Day. Place of travel (VA County/City or State or Country) 1D
You are working and commuting to/from home for 11 or more hours between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6). Name of employer or business and Election Day hours of working and community (AM to PM) 1E
You are a first responder (member of law enforcement, firefighter, emergency technician, or search and rescue). Not required 1F
You have a disability or illness. Not required. 2A
You are primarily and personally responsible for the care of a disabled/ill family member confined at home. Family relationship 2B
You are pregnant. Not required 2C
You have a religious obligation. Not required 5A
You are (or are the spouse of) an Active Duty Merchant Marine or Armed Forces Branch of Service 6A or 6B
You are temporarily residing outside of the U.S. Your last date of residency at your Virginia voting residence. 6C
You are temporarily residing outside the U.S. for employment, or are the spouse/dependent of such employee. Name of business or employer 6D
See the full list of eligible reasons you can vote absentee on the Virginia Department of Elections website.
Eligible voters in the City of Falls Church can vote In-Person Absentee on weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the temporary City Hall Office of Voter Registration and Elections: 400 N Washington St, 3rd Floor, Falls Church VA. In-person absentee voting will be also available on Saturday, October 27 and Saturday, November 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You must bring an acceptable form of ID in order to vote, such as a valid Virginia Driver’s License, a valid United States Passport, or an employee identification card (with photo).
See the complete list of acceptable forms of identification.
Eligible voters can also vote absentee ballot by mail. To request an absentee ballot by mail, complete and submit the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application.
The recommended last day to request an absentee ballot by mail is October 23 in order for the USPS to deliver the ballot by Election Day. The legal deadline is Tuesday, October 30 at 5 p.m. but historically, ballots requested by the legal deadline rarely get delivered in time to be counted.
The deadline to register to vote (or update and existing registration) and vote in the General Election is Monday, October 15. Register to vote or verify your existing Voter Registration status online.
You can find the General Election Sample Ballot and more voter information at
Office of Voter Registration and Elections