Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của irginia Department of Elections.
For Immediate Release:
November 15, 2018
Contact For More Information:
Jessica Bowman
(804) 864-8904
Special Election to Fill Virginia Senate District 33 Vacancy Set for Jan. 8, 2019
RICHMOND, VA –Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019 has officially been set as the date of the special election for the 33rd District Virginia Senate seat made vacant with Democrat Jennifer T. Wexton’s resignation after winning election to the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District.
The 33rd Virginia Senate District includes parts of Fairfax and Loudoun counties. Wexton has represented the district since 2014. She beat incumbent Republican Congresswoman Barbara J. Comstock in the Nov. 6 election.
To vote in the Jan. 8 special election, eligible Virginians who live in the 33rd Senate District must be registered by Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019. Voters can register online by 11:59 p.m. on Jan. 2 at Virginia Department of Elections citizen portal, or in person by 5 p.m. on Jan. 2 at their local voter registration office.
Voters can find the location and hours of their local voter registration office at, where they can also find out more about voter registration requirements or check/update their voter registration information.
Jan. 2, 2019 is also the deadline for eligible voters to request a mail-in absentee ballot at their local voting registration office, by mail, by fax or online at Requests must be received by 5 p.m. on Jan. 2
In-person absentee voting for the special election ends Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019 at 5 p.m. Eligible voters may cast ballots at their local voter registration office during normal business hours. Local offices will also be open Saturday, Jan. 2 for the last day of in-person absentee voting. More information about absentee voting is also available at
Party nominations and all other candidate filings are due to the Department of Elections by this Monday, Nov. 19, at 5 p.m. in order for the candidate to appear on the Jan. 8 ballot. More information on candidacy requirements, including those for independent (non-party) candidates, can be found in the Candidate Bulletin, which is online at