Theo tin Thanh Binh and VNLAC
WHAT: Spooktacular Halloween Party
WHEN: SSaturday, October 26th, 2019 from 1PM to 3PM
WHERE: Providence RECenter, 7525 Marc Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042
***we ENCOURAGE everyone (yes, including adults) to wear a COSTUME***
Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 1-3pm for a Spooktacular Halloween Party! This event is intended to allow adults to be kids, and kids to be kids while hanging out with their family. Preregister for the Halloween CONTEST and a chance to win up to $100 (please see the prizes list below).
There will be a lot of arts & crafts for all ages, yes, including infants 🙂 We will have group games and music time. So come and join us for some spooktacular fun and great play!
$10 Per Family before October 26th
$15 Per Family at the door, cash only
– Food ($)*
– Games
– Art & Crafts
– Face Painting
– Music Time / Dance
– Costume Contest (must preregister)
– Kids Halloween Parade
– Photo Opportunity
– Trick or Treat
– and much more!
* pizza $2 per slice; there will also be a lot of yummy and creative treats for everyone.
Costume Contest Prizes:
1st place: $100
2nd place: $75
3rd place: $50
People Choice: $25
You can register for the Family Halloween Costume Contest here:
Costumes Contest Rules:
1. Must be immediate family member.
– Family : must have at least three (3) family members can be any of the following combination:
– Father, mother, child (ren);
– Grandparents and grandchild (ren);
– Grandparents, parents, child (ren);
– Mommy & Me / Daddy & Me
– Siblings (age doesn’t matter)
– Spouse (age doesn’t matter)
2. No individual effort, teamwork only 🙂
3. Register by October 23rd with the following information:
– Which family category
– Name and Age of participants
– Costumes
– Contact information (email & phone #)