Thành phố Fairfax loan tin Bộ Y tế Quận Fairfax và Bộ Y Tế tiểu bang Virginia đã nhận được một kết quả xét nghiệm là người thứ 2 sống ở thành phố Fairfax đư bị nhiễm trùng COVID-19
CẬP NHẬT 3/9: Thông tin, Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Ngày cuối: 2020/03/09 10:00
CẬP NHẬT ngày 09 tháng 3 năm 2020:
Sở Y tế Quận Fairfax Các và Sở Virginia Y tế đã nhận được một kết quả xét nghiệm dương tính giả định thứ hai cho coronavirus mới (COVID-19) trên một thành phố của cư dân Fairfax. Cá nhân này là người bạn đời và tiếp xúc gần gũi của bệnh nhân xét nghiệm dương tính hôm thứ Bảy, và tiếp xúc không phải là kết quả của việc truyền cộng đồng.
Một kết quả xét nghiệm dương tính giả định cũng đã nhận được cho một thường trú tại Spotsylvania County. Dấu này các trường hợp thứ tư và thứ năm trong Khối thịnh vượng chung Virginia. Xem các cố vấn truyền thông cho biết thêm chi tiết .
Dưới đây là các video giới của buổi họp báo tổ chức tại 1:00 trên Chủ Nhật Tháng Ba 8:
Thành phố Fairfax đang làm việc với Sở Y tế Fairfax County và các đối tác khác để hạn chế sự lây lan của COVID-19 trong khu vực của chúng tôi.
cán bộ y tế công cộng được giám sát chặt chẽ sự bùng nổ của căn bệnh về đường hô hấp do coronavirus mới (COVID-19), có nguồn gốc ở Vũ Hán, Trung Quốc.
Sở Y tế Quận Fairfax cung cấp một số cách để ở lại up-to-date trên bùng nổ COVID-19 vì nó tiếp tục phát triển:
Truy cập vào trang web COVID-19 Sở Y tế để biết thông tin về những gì đang xảy ra ở Fairfax.
Hãy gọi cho trung tâm cuộc gọi Sở Y tế tại 703.267.3511 cho câu hỏi của bạn
Click vào video dưới đây để xem các cập nhật trạng Novel Coronavirus (ngày 02 Tháng Ba năm 2020)
Các Bộ Virginia Y tế có nguồn lực sẵn có để biết thông tin công cộng:
Trang web VDH COVID-19
VDH thông tin công cộng line: 877-ASK-VDH3
UPDATED 3/9: Information, Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Post Date:03/09/2020 10:00 PM
UPDATED March 9, 2020:
The Fairfax County Health Department and the Virginia Department of Health received a second presumptive positive test result for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on a City of Fairfax resident. This individual is the spouse and close contact of the patient who tested positive on Saturday, and the exposure is not the result of community transmission.
A presumptive positive test result also was received for a resident in Spotsylvania County. This marks the fourth and fifth cases in the Commonwealth of Virginia. See the media advisory for more details.
SOURCE: Virginia Department of Health
Virginia Department of Health Confirms Fourth and Fifth “Presumptive Positive” Cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Fairfax and in Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Posted on March 9, 2020
(Richmond, VA.) – The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) announced that two Virginia residents in two different parts of the state have tested “presumptive positive” for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). These cases mark the fourth and fifth presumptive positive test results in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
One case is a household contact of a case previously identified in Fairfax in the Northern Region of the state. The other case is a resident of Spotsylvania County in the Northwest Region of the state. The two cases are not related.
“The Virginia Department of Health, hospitals, and health care providers statewide continue to work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to identify COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth,” said State Health Commissioner, M. Norman Oliver, MD, MA. “Through a strategic, coordinated, statewide response, the Commonwealth is well-prepared to respond to positive COVID-19 cases as they occur.”
The fourth presumptive positive case is a City of Fairfax resident. This individual is the spouse and close contact of the patient who tested positive on March 7, and the exposure is not the result of community transmission.
The individual traveled on the same Nile River cruise as her husband. On March 5, when her husband was tested, she was asked to self-quarantine, stay home and avoid contact with others and has been compliant. When she developed minor respiratory illness symptoms, the Health Department determined that testing was warranted and specimens were sent to the Virginia state laboratory on March 8. The resident is currently doing well but was hospitalized while testing was completed. The positive result returned today is considered presumptive, pending confirmation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“We know the risk of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) increases among close contacts of infected persons,” said Fairfax Health Director Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu. “Based on the results of our contact investigation to date, the individual had limited contact with others outside the home while ill so the risk to the general Fairfax community remains low.”
The fifth presumptive positive case is a resident of Spotsylvania County, and in their 50s. The individual developed fever, cough, shortness of breath, and subsequently sought medical attention. The case was brought to the attention of the Rappahannock Area Health District, and testing for the novel coronavirus was done by the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) in Richmond. The positive test result came back during the afternoon today. The positive test result is considered a presumptive positive, pending confirmatory testing by CDC. The patient is currently under medical care and stable according to the physician providing care.
“We are working closely with our health care partners and the state to monitor the patient and identify and work with their close contacts,” said Rappahannock Area Health Director Brooke Rossheim, MD, MPH.
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can cause mild to more severe respiratory illness. In a small proportion of patients, COVID-19 can cause death, particularly among those who are older or who have chronic medical conditions. Symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms appear within 14 days of being exposed to an infectious person. COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
To lower the risk of respiratory germ spread, including COVID-19, the Virginia Department of Health encourages the following effective behaviors:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer only if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Stay home when you are sick.
Avoid contact with sick people.
Avoid non-essential travel.
This is a rapidly changing situation, and information is being shared as it becomes available on the following websites: or Please consult for the latest number of COVID-19 cases in Virginia.
Fairfax County Health Department has a public information line, 703-267-3511, for questions from its residents. The call center is open until 9 p.m. tomorrow.
The Virginia Department of Health has also activated a public information line, 877-ASK-VDH3, for questions from residents about the novel coronavirus situation.