Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của Fairfax County
Fairfax County Commuter Alert: Parking Reductions at Three Orange Line Metrorail Stations Begin March 15
For Immediate Release
March 4, 2020
Beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020, surface parking lots at the East Falls Church, West Falls Church, and Vienna Metrorail stations will be closed for seven to nine months as construction contractors begin the process of moving material and machines into place ahead of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) summer 2020 platform improvement project. Vehicles parked in the closed lots after 12:01 a.m. on March 15, 2020, may be subject to towing.
This summer’s platform improvement project will rebuild the four outdoor Metrorail Orange Line stations in Virginia, all located in the median of I-66: Vienna, Dunn Loring, West Falls Church, and East Falls Church. Due to the stations’ locations and extreme space limitations, construction crews will need to utilize surface parking lots to stage heavy equipment and tons of material.
Know Your Alternatives and Plan Now
parking graphic for orange line shutdown
East Falls Church Metrorail Station (PARKING CLOSED)
The surface parking lot will be closed; the Kiss & Ride lot will remain open for pick-up and drop-off only.
Customers can use Dunn Loring or Vienna Metrorail Stations as alternates. Please note that you must use a SmarTrip card to pay for parking at the Dunn Loring Metrorail Station to avoid being charged the higher, non-rider parking fee.
Surface parking lots will be closed; the parking garage will remain open but is expected to fill before 7 a.m.
Customers can use Dunn Loring or Vienna Metrorail Stations as alternates. Please note that you must use a SmarTrip card to pay for parking at the Dunn Loring Metrorail Station to avoid being charged the higher, non-rider parking fee.
Vienna Metrorail Station (PARKING AVAILABLE)
Parking Lot 1 (north side) will be closed; the parking garages and Parking Lot 3 (south side) will remain open. The entrances to these lots can be accessed from Saintsbury Rd.
Ample parking space is available regardless of the Parking Lot 1 closure.
Dunn Loring Metrorail Station (PARKING AVAILABLE)
No parking closed and space available.
Please note that you must use a SmarTrip card to pay for parking at the Dunn Loring Metrorail Station to avoid being charged the higher, non-rider parking fee.
Stay Informed
For day-to-day information and assistance with your Fairfax County commute/travel during Metro’s platform reconstruction efforts, utilize the following:
Metrorail and Metrobus Passenger Information:
Subscribe to MetroAlerts and visit
Commuter and Employer Alerts:
Sign-up for Fairfax County text/email alerts – select “Commuter Alerts” under “Department of Transportation”.
Ridesharing Assistance and Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Program Sign-ups:
Contact Fairfax County Commuter Services (FCCS) at 703-877-5900, TTY 711, or email
Fairfax Connector Passenger Information:
Subscribe to BusTracker alerts; visit; Call 703-339-7200, TTY 711, 5 a.m.-10 p.m. M-F, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sat-Sun; or email
Visit any of the six (6) convenient Connector Transit Store locations for travel information.
About the WMATA Platform Improvement Project
The platform work is necessary to address years of concrete structural deterioration that, left unaddressed, could pose a safety risk to riders. Metro will use the time to make improvements that enhance customer experience with a higher level of safety, accessibility and convenience. Key renovations include new slip-resistant tiles throughout the stations, brighter energy-efficient LED lighting and illuminated handrails, new stainless-steel platform shelters with charging ports and digital map/information displays, and new Passenger Information Displays (PIDs) with larger digital screens to improve visibility. Additional information about the Platform Improvement Project is available at