Các tòa nhà trường học FCPS ở tiểu bang Virginia đóng cửa cho đến khi có thông báo mới
SOURCE Fairfax County Public School
March 15 – School Buildings Closed Until Further Notice
COVID-19 continues to be a fast-moving event. This weekend, we have been continuing to evaluate our options going forward with the health and well-being of our students, employees, and community remaining the top priority. In consideration of these developments, FCPS is announcing the following actions:
All FCPS school buildings are closed until further notice. Food distribution at FCPS sites will continue as scheduled. More details about the food program are below.
With the school buildings closed, the laptop distribution scheduled for tomorrow is postponed.
All FCPS administrative offices are closed until further notice.
Only essential personnel as defined by FCPS program managers and supervisors will be asked to report to work until further notice. All other employees will work remotely. It is expected that all FCPS personnel reporting to work will practice social distancing to the greatest extent possible.
Beginning tomorrow, March 16, we are expanding the grab and go food distribution sites to a total of 18 locations. The food distribution is set up outside the schools. Breakfast will be served from 8-10:30 a.m. and lunch from 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the locations listed here.
Coronavirus Update
Coronavirus Update – Message from the Superintendent – March 14
Coronavirus Update – March 14
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Dear FCPS Families and Staff,
Fairfax County Public Schools has been notified by the Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) that a staff member at Lynbrook Elementary School has tested presumptive positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The staff member is recovering at home and we wish our staff member a quick recovery. This is the first confirmed FCPS-related case.
We are working closely with the Health Department to identify individuals who may have been in contact with the staff member. The Health Department will be working to provide further guidance and monitoring. More information regarding this situation is posted on the Health Department’s website here. At this time, there is no evidence of sustained community spread of the novel coronavirus and the risk to the general FCPS community remains low.
FCPS was closed on Friday, March 13. Schools are scheduled to be open on Monday, March 16, to allow students to gather their belongings and for the distribution of laptops to some of our students; those activities will continue. However, Lynbrook Elementary will not be open on Monday. Lynbrook staff will coordinate directly with their families to make these arrangements.
The school building will remain closed while it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
We will continue to work with our local and state health and government officials to navigate this evolving situation and provide supports. Thank you for all you are doing to stay healthy and informed.
All updates and information about COVID-19 will be posted on the FCPS website.
Scott Brabrand, Superintendent
Fairfax County Public Schools