Sở Y Tế Quận Fairfax ở tiểu bang Virginia loan tin xác nhận là 2 người bị nhiễm COVID-19 trong trường hợp thứ 11 và 12 .
March 17: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Daily Update
coronavirus (COVID-19) update from Fairfax County
Posted at 5:30 p.m.
A summary of recent news about COVID-19 for March 17, 2020:
March 17: New Presumptive Positive Cases Today: 2
Total Presumptive Positive Cases: 12
(Health District includes Fairfax County, City of Fairfax, City of Falls Church and towns within the county)
March 17 New Presumptive Positive Cases: 2
(These numbers will be updated around noon each day)
Total Presumptive Positive Cases: 12
(Health District includes Fairfax County, City of Fairfax, City of Falls Church and towns within the county)
12 70s M Exposure during Nile River cruise
11 50s M Close contact to a case in Colorado
10 70s M Exposure during Nile River cruise
9 60s M Household contact to case #4
8 50s F Household contact to case #4
7 30s F Household contact to case #4
6 60s M Close contact to a case reported by the Department of Defense
5 40s F Close contact to a case linked to Christ Church in Georgetown
4 20s M Close contact to a case in North Carolina
3 60s M Close contact to a case in North Carolina
2 60s F Exposure during Nile River cruise
1 80s M Exposure during Nile River cruise