Theo tin của Quận Fairfax trong Virginia
Chương Trình Nonprofit Sustainability Grants (Tài Trợ Bền Vững Phi Lợi Nhuận) (NSG)
Chương Trình Nonprofit Sustainability Grants (Tài Trợ Bền Vững Phi Lợi Nhuận) (NSG) sẽ hỗ trợ các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận 501(c)3 và 501(c)19 và có thể được sử dụng để duy trì nhân viên; trang thiết bị và vật tư; thanh toán các khoản thuê; và/ hoặc nâng cấp công nghệ.
Ứng Viên
Đủ Điều Kiện phải: được công nhận là tổ chức phi lợi nhuận 501(c)3 hoặc 501(c)19 theo Internal Revenue Code (Bộ Luật Thuế Thu Nhập Quốc Nội); phục vụ cư dân Fairfax County; hiện đang hoạt động như một phần của mạng lưới an sinh xã hội của Fairfax County; nộp bộ đơn đăng ký đầy đủ, bao gồm cả
Mẫu Đơn IRS 990 mới nhất của ứng viên đó.
Thời Hạn Nộp Đơn
ngày 15 tháng 5, năm 2020 đến 2 giờ chiều, ngày 22 tháng 5, năm 2020
Thông Tin Bổ Sung
Chương trình này sẽ được quản lý bởi Department of Procurement and Material Management (Sở Thu Mua và Quản Lý Vật Tư) và Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (Sở Dịch Vụ Lân Cận và Cộng Đồng). Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập, gửi thư điện tử đến dpmmnsgrant@fairfaxcounty. gov hoặc gọi 703-324-2861.
Ấn bản của Fairfax County, VA. Chỗ ở phù hợp được cung cấp theo yêu cầu;
gọi 703-324-2861 hoặc TTY 711.
Tháng 5, năm 2020
Fairfax County creates $25m grant program for small businesses, nonprofits
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to create the $25 million Fairfax Relief Initiative to Support Employers (Fairfax RISE) grant program to assist small businesses and nonprofits affected by the economic downturn created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program, the first of its kind in the county, will be funded using federal CARES Act funds provided to the county government.
“I am very excited about this program – the first of its kind in Fairfax County. Our hope is that these grants will help small businesses and nonprofits emerge from these difficult times, retain employees, and be prepared to grow in the future,” said Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay. “We want to support the many small businesses and nonprofits that are crucial to the Fairfax County community and economy.”
Click here to fill out a county form to be notified when the grant application is available in June.
Grant amounts of $25,000, $50,000 or $75,000 will be awarded depending on nonprofit size/operating budget.
Grants available to nonprofits who are recognized as 501(c)3 or 501(c)19, serve Fairfax County residents and currently operate as part of Fairfax County’s social safety net.
Applications accepted from May 15, 2020 to 2:00 p.m. May 22, 2020.
Information available in Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese and other languages.
See below and Application for detailed information, requirements and submission instructions.
$5 Million Social Safety Net Nonprofit Sustainability Grants Program Now Open for Applications Through May 22
nonprofit grants
Posted at 9:25 a.m.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has established a $5 million fund to support 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 nonprofit organizations, whose primary work currently supports social safety net services to vulnerable populations within Fairfax County.
The grant application process begins today, May 15, and concludes at 2 p.m. on May 22.
Called the Nonprofit Sustainability Grants program, it will offer grants to qualified nonprofit organizations in one of three amounts, $25,000, $50,000 and $75,000, depending on the size of the organization and operating budget. The program will be funded with stimulus funds from the federal CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund.
Nonprofits that function as a part of Fairfax County’s social safety net provide support in the areas of Financial Stability, Food and Nutrition, Literary/Educational Attainment, Health, Housing, Positive Behaviors and Healthy Relationships, and/or Support/Community/Social Networks and are focused on primarily serving people from communities who are more vulnerable to self-sufficiency problems, including people with limited income; immigrants and refugees; people with disabilities; and people who are historically subject to disparate access to opportunities.
“Nonprofit organizations are a critical part of the county’s social safety net, working closely with us to serve the most vulnerable in our communities. These grants will help them continue to provide services and maintain operations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Fairfax County Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay. “We are delighted to be able to support them as they support our community.”
To be eligible, applicants must: be recognized as a 501(c)3 or 501(c)19 nonprofit organization, according to the Internal Revenue Code; serve Fairfax County residents; currently operate as part of Fairfax County’s social safety net; and submit a complete application, including their most recent IRS 990 Form.
The size of the Nonprofit Sustainability Grant award will be based on the organization’s size with the following structure:
Small: $25,000
Medium: $50,000
Large: $75,000
The grant can cover:
Employee Retention
Equipment and Materials
Rent Payments
Debt Payments and/or
Technology Upgrades
How to Apply
Visit, email or call 703-324-2861.
This program will be administered by the Department of Procurement and Material Management and the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
Fairfax County Social Safety Net Nonprofit Sustainability Grants Program (NSG)
Grant amounts of $25,000, $50,000 or $75,000 will be awarded depending on nonprofit size/operating budget.
Grants available to nonprofits who are recognized as 501(c)3 or 501(c)19, serve Fairfax County residents and currently operate as part of Fairfax County’s social safety net.
Applications accepted from May 15, 2020 to 2:00 p.m. May 22, 2020.
Information available in Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese and other languages.
See below and Application for detailed information, requirements and submission instructions.
Download a Grant Application
Fairfax County has established a $5 million fund to support 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 nonprofit organizations, whose primary work currently supports social safety net services to vulnerable populations within Fairfax County. Grants will be awarded to eligible organizations in one of three amounts, $25,000, $50,000 or $75,000, depending on the size of the organization and operating budget.
Nonprofits that function as a part of Fairfax County’s social safety net in the areas listed below are eligible for funding through the NSG Program:
Financial Stability;
Food and Nutrition;
Literary/Educational Development/Attainment;
Positive Behaviors/Healthy Relationships; and/or
Support/Community/Social Networks.
The awarded funds must support projects that address an identified area of organizational capacity constrained due to the impacts of COVID-19, to include, but not limited to:
Employee Retention;
Equipment and Materials;
Rent Payments;
Debt Payments; and/or
Technology Upgrades.
Press Releases: English I Arabic I Korean I Spanish I Vietnamese
Flyers: English I Arabic I Korean I Spanish I Vietnamese
A social safety net organization is one which provides services in one or more of the seven categories listed above and is focused on primarily serving people from communities who are more vulnerable to self-sufficiency problems, including people with limited income; immigrants and refugees; people with disabilities; and people who are historically subject to disparate access to opportunities. Find more details and service examples on the linked document.
Applications will be accepted from May 15, 2020, through 2:00 p.m. on May 22, 2020. The County will accept either electronic or hardcopy submission of the application; detailed instructions for submission are included on the application form. Applications received after the due date/time will not be considered for award.
As you fill out the application you will be asked to include:
Organizational information
A statement of need
The social safety net categories that represent your organization
Descriptions of the specific programs your organization is currently providing in Fairfax County and how they contribute to the social safety net
The expenses the grant funding will be used for
The percentage of your direct service staff that serve Fairfax County residents
The number of full-time equivalent staff your organization has working in Fairfax County
Your organization’s most current IRS 990 Form (the size of your organization will be determined from information provided on your IRS 990 Form)
You will receive an acknowledgement that your application was received.
Applications will be screened to determine the organization serves Fairfax County residents, meets the social safety net criteria as outlined above and IRS 990 Form is received. Those that qualify, will be awarded grants based on their organizational size – small (eligible for $25,000), medium ($50,000) and large ($75,000). Operational efficiencies reflected in the percentage of operating costs that are dedicated to salaries may be factored into the amount of award.
The grants will be available to nonprofit organizations who meet the following criteria:
Recognized as a 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 nonprofit organizations, according to the Internal Revenue Code
Serve Fairfax County residents
Currently operate as part of Fairfax County’s social safety net
Submit a complete application, including the most recent IRS 990 Form
Do not accept funding from the Fairfax County Small Business and Nonprofit Relief Grant Fund program.
Only one application per organization will be accepted; the organization must detail the number of employees the organization has serving Fairfax County residents.
Because of limited resources and overwhelming demand, Fairfax County is encouraging nonprofits to explore other forms of Federal and State assistance that may be available (Covid-19 information for businesses and employees).
Successful awardees will be required to provide documentation on how grant funds were allocated and comply with all reporting and audit requirements. Awardees will be required to submit reports on spending related to, and impact of, the grants. Reporting requirements will be shared with awardees upon award.
If you have questions about this program, email or call 703-324-2861.