Theo nguồn tin translation of Google trên mạng của thành phố Falls Church
Thành Phố Falls Church Thông Báo Thay đổi Thời Khóa Biểu cho Dịch Vụ thu rác, lá, recylce và cây giáng sinh vào Ngày lễ Giáng sinh 2018 và ngày đầu năm mới 2019
December 17, 2018
Holiday Curbside Collection Service Changes
Schedule Change
All curbside collections – including trash, recycling, yard waste, and compost – normally scheduled for Wednesday, December 26 and Wednesday, January 2 will move to the Thursday of that week.
Revised collection days:
Thursday, December 27
Thursday, January 3
The first day of Christmas tree collection will be on Thursday, January 3. Place your Christmas tree at the curb after removing plastic bags, rope, and all decorations, including tinsel. The remaining Christmas tree collection days will be on Wednesdays – the normal curbside collection pick-up day – during the remainder of January and February. Learn more about Christmas tree curbside collection.
Questions? Contact the Solid Waste Hotline at 703-248-5160 (TTY 711) or via email
Solid Waste