Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của Thành phố Falls Church
Thành phố Falls Church hiện đang mở nộp Đơn xin chương trình Trợ cấp của EDA dành chocác tổ chức phi lợi nhuận và các doanh nghiệp nhỏ có tổng doanh thu từ 50.000 đến 700.000 đô la đủ điều kiện đến 11 giờ 30 tối Thứ Sáu ngày 15 tháng 6 năm 2020.
Xin tài trợ EDA Grant hiện đang mở
Xin ngay bây giờ
Cơ quan Phát triển Kinh tế của Thành phố Falls Church (Economic Development Authority) đã mở một vòng tài trợ mới. Đối với vòng này, các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận đủ điều kiện và các doanh nghiệp nhỏ có tổng doanh thu từ 50.000 đến 700.000 đô la đủ điều kiện. (Trước đây, các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận không đủ điều kiện và 500.000 đô la là số tiền tổng doanh thu tối đa.)
84 doanh nghiệp nhận được tài trợ của EDA vào tháng 5 không đủ điều kiện cho vòng tài trợ này.
Có một số yêu cầu đủ điều kiện khác cho các doanh nghiệp và phi lợi nhuận để đáp ứng. Hạn chót nộp đơn xin tài trợ là lúc 11 giờ 30 tối thứ Hai ngày 15 tháng 6 năm 2020.
Ghi Danh tại
EDA Grant Application Now Open
Apply Now
The City of Falls Church Economic Development Authority has opened a new round of grant funding. For this round, non-profits are eligible, and small businesses with gross receipts of $50,000 to $700,000 are eligible. (Previously, non-profits were not eligible, and $500,000 was the maximum amount of gross receipts.)
The 84 businesses that received the EDA’s grant in May are not eligible for this round of funding.
There are a number of other eligibility requirements for businesses and non-profits to meet. Applications are due on Monday, June 15 at 11:30 p.m. Apply at
EDA COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application for Small Businesses and Non-Profits (closes June 15)
Eligibility Requirements
About the Grants for Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations
The City of Falls Church Economic Development Authority (EDA) authorized a second round of grant funding. Eligible businesses and non-profit organizations may apply for one grant of $2,000 from the EDA to use for salary, benefits, rent and other business operating expenses.
DEADLINE: Applications Due on Monday, June 15 at 11:30 p.m.
Applications must be received by Friday, June 15 at 11:30 p.m.
Applicants must use this online form.
Applications must be completed in full, including an uploaded W-9. This is a requirement for disbursement of funds from the EDA. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Awardees will be chosen at random after eligibility is confirmed.
The grant application is a public document and the names of the businesses awarded funds may be made public once funds are disbursed.
Grant recipients will receive their check by mail.
Tips for Completing the Application
There are two questions you may want to write ahead of time and copy-and-paste into the application:
Please describe:
(1) Why your primary business or non-profit needs the grant (such as sales down by a certain percent, required closure, etc.)
(2) For what purpose(s) the grant will be used (such as rent, salary, etc.).
(3) The positive impact you believe this grant will have on your primary business or non-profit.
Please describe the plan to reopen the primary business or non-profit and areas where additional assistance from the City or other agencies may be needed to assist in reopening.
You cannot save your answers and return at a later time.
Businesses and non-profits will need to upload a W-9 with this application. A blank W-9 form is available from the IRS here, and instructions are here. Each business must have a completed, signed, electronic W-9 in order to submit the application. Please save the W-9 as a PDF with your business or non-profit name (example: bobsburgers.pdf for the business named Bob’s Burgers; avoid special characters or spaces in a file name. Use capitals and underscores instead of periods or spaces or slashes).
Non-profits chosen for a grant will be required to provide a current copy of their IRS Letter of Determination.
Requirements for Eligibility
The businesses or non-profit must meet all the requirements listed here:
The business or non-profit must have been operating in the City of Falls Church for at least one year, as reported to the City on their business license.
The business or non-profit must be in good financial standing with the City of Falls Church tax payments and regulations as of February 2020.
The business must have gross receipts of $50,000 to $700,000, as reported to the City on their business license.
The primary business or non-profit has experienced a decrease in revenues by at least 50% since 2019.
The business or non-profit must be in a business or commercial location, as reported to the City on their business license.
The business or non-profit must have fewer than 50 employees.
The business was not selected to receive a COVID-19 Emergency Grant from the EDA in May (see news release).
The primary business or non-profit must be one of the following:
Non-profit organization with at least one paid employee, who works in their commercial location in the City.
Dining establishment, food court, brewery, microbrewery, distillery, winery, tasting room, or farmers market;
Theater, performing arts center, concert venue, museum, or other indoor entertainment center
Fitness center, gymnasium, recreation center, indoor sports facility, or indoor exercise facility;
Beauty salon, barbershop, spa, massage parlor, tanning salon, tattoo shop, or any other personal care or personal grooming business;
Racetrack or historic horse racing facility;
Bowling alley, skating rink, arcade, amusement park, trampoline park, fair, arts and craft facility, aquarium, zoo, escape room, or indoor shooting range;
Public or private social club;
Any other indoor public amusement;
Or a brick and mortar retail businesses whose primary revenues are derived from walk-in or in-person sales.
Which Businesses and Non-Profits are Not Eligible?
Any business or non-profit that does not meet all the requirements of items 1 through 8 above.
Businesses that are considered “essential” under Governor Northam’s Executive Order 53, including, but not limited to:
Grocery store, pharmacy, or other retailers that sell food and beverage products or pharmacy products, including dollar stores and department stores with grocery or pharmacy operations;
Medical, laboratory, and vision supply retailer
Electronic retailer that sells or services cell phones, computers, tablets, and other communications technology;
Automotive parts, accessories, and tire retailer or automotive repair facility;
Home improvement, hardware, building material, and building supply retailer;
Lawn and garden equipment retailer;
Beer, wine, or liquor store;
Retail function of a gas station or a convenience store;
Retail located within healthcare facilities;
Bank or other financial institutions with retail functions;
Pet and feed store;
Printing and office supply store;
Laundromat or dry cleaner;
Offices professional services/consulting/accounting/government contracting businesses, home-based business, E-commerce, auto use, seasonable business, businesses whose primary product/service is oriented to age restricted customers such as vape shops;
Or franchise business (unless they are locally owned and operated), or corporate-owned locations, branches or subsidiaries.
Questions? Need More Information?
Contact the City of Falls Church Economic Development Office,